Tuesday, March 29, 2016

                                  Search For Your Role 
Each member of Jonas’ community had a specific job, or role, to fill. By assigning roles to people the community could continue to function well.  

Choose two of the following activities to complete.

· Which role would you like best, based on your interests, abilities and personality? Refer to chapter 7 for a list of the assignments from the ceremony. 

· Make a list of specific things (10-12) you would need to be able to do to have this job (play games, organize groups, care for others, etc.).   Also, how would this person act (calm, quiet, caring, nosy/ include 3-4).  And what kinds of activities would they like to do (run around at recess, help feed the fish, discuss the news/ include 3-4)?  Talk to your teacher to see if you may play this role in class for a day.

· What role would you assign your friends?  Choose 3 friends and tell which roles you would assign them and why they fit into these roles best.

Below are the list of jobs and their descriptions to help you.
  • Birthmother - In this position, a young woman is pampered for three years as she gives birth each year; after than, she will become a Laborer.
  • Engineer - A friend of Jonas's father is an engineer who designed a bridge that crosses a river in the community. So, the engineer creates and designs blueprints and oversees constructions of buildings, etc.
  • Fish Hatchery Attendant - Another of Jonas's friends is given this job.
  • Assistant and Director of Recreation. The job of Assistant goes to Asher, a friend of Jonas with a good sense of fun; he will organize the various activities of the community
  • Rehabilitation Center worker - Benjamin does this job; he has designed some new equipment for the injured.
  • Food Production - This job could be at the school or other institution.
  • Caretaker of the Old - Fiona, a friend of Jonas, is assigned this position as she is good with the older members of the community.
  • Doctor
  • Nurturer - Jonas's father is a nurturer as he cares for the infants. He also releases them if they do not progress.
  • Instructor of the different age groups - Isaac, for example, is given the Sixes
  • Representative of the Department of Justice - This is a position that Jonas's mother has; she is essentially an attorney for the community.
  • Speaker - This person makes the public announcements.
  • Receiver of Memory - This job is given to Jonas, who can "see beyond." Jonas will be the keeper of memories for the community. The previous Receiver of Memory, who has been given memories of war, pain, joy, color, light, and music, all from a time before the community existed departed and these memories are lost. But Jonas will receive many more.
  • Chief Elder - This is the leader of the community.

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